Conditional Monitoring Plays An Important Role In Maintaining Machines

Condition monitoring and the techniques used in it

Condition monitoring is an essential part of maintaining machinery. It is a process in which different parameters of a machine are checked or measured at once. The process; is repeated at significant intervals or periods. Many technologies are used in this process to measure different parameters. Some of these technologies are ultrasound, thermography, acoustic analysis, lubricant analysis, speed measurement, vibration analysis, temperature monitoring, current analysis and measurement, and others as well. It all depends on the machines that what technologies will be used in the process and, at what intervals will be the readings taken again.

How to judge the criticality of a system for condition monitoring?

To keep the machinery going on or working smoothly, you need to judge the; criticality of the system to ensure, which type of condition monitoring is required by the system. You can do that by; judging these factors and, know for yourself which method will be the best for the system. These criticality indexes are the cost of repairing the system, impact on the economy if an unexpected strike happens, impact on the security for the working staff and, the impact on the environment due to any strike. Once you have considered these factors, you can decide which method will be best for you.

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